
Viser opslag fra februar, 2019

Are we "rainbow washing" with SDGs or are we just impatient?

A recent paper, published in SciDevNet is indicating that the SDGs are a re-label of what is already being done. The paper is very critical but is maybe not considering how change happens in the world. For a large corporation to change, from seeding the idea in the board, to widespread implementation, it can take up to 2-3 years. This is the time it takes for new stuff to go through the internal bureaucracy, to the frustration of many top leaders. In the public sector, it is not entirely different. In a local government in Denmark, an idea seeded by NGOs will take a long time before it turns into politics and real action for a person. I have tried to illustrate this in the below graph with the SDGs in the public sector as an example. So change should take time. With the SDGs, we need transformational change, on areas where we collectively need to think, talk and act in new ways. The dilemma is that we are all hungry for change and instead of expecting a slow begi...